Sunday, October 21, 2012

Political Jokes, Which One is Funnier?

The Problem with Political Jokes is that They get Elected

If President Obama's policy positions and his plans for the country received almost as much coverage as his personality, life history, and personal life has-

- Most would agree that under the circumstances, he is doing the best he can with what he's got. I'm almost certain that more people would incorrectly mistake him as a Muslim than could correctly identify the major points of his health care plan or his vision for reforming American immigration policy. 

This post is an attempt to provide an unbiased look at President Obama's as well as Gov. Romney's stances on the key issues that will decide the 2012 election as they face up in November.

Please feel free to sift through the issues and Find the ones that pertain to you and Make the right choice for Yourself.


Barack Obama

Mitt Romney

Political Party:DemocraticRepublican
Alma Mater:Occidental College, Columbia University (BA), Harvard Law School(JD)Stanford University, Brigham Young University (BA), Harvard University (MBA, JD)
Position on the Economy:Repeal Bush tax cuts for households earning more than $250,000. Lower taxes on manufacturing industry. Stimulus spending and tax cuts to grow the economy (short term). Cut spending and raise taxes on wealthy to reduce deficit (long term).Make Bush tax cuts permanent. Lower corporate tax rate across the board to 25%. Cut taxes and regulations to encourage business. Cut "non-security discretionary [government] spending" by 5% to reduce deficit.
Position on Healthcare:After five presidents over a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act (2010) healthcare overhaul bill. Calls for patient protections like allowing coverage for pre-existing conditions, not letting insurers cancel policies when patients get sick, and requiring individuals to buy health insurance or pay a fine. It will cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014 and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems.Created similar legislation in Mass. but believes it's not appropriate for all of USA and wants to repeal. Proposes encouraging individuals to purchase their own health insurance rather than via employers, and allowing insurance across state lines.
Position on Immigration:Supports path to legalization for illegal immigrants that includes learning English & paying fines; toughen penalties for hiring illegal immigrants; voted for fence along Mexican border. Issued exec order to not deport certain undocumented immigrantsWould make English the official language of the US and "turn off the magnets like tuition breaks or other breaks that draw people into this country illegally"
Position on Iraq:Opposed invasion from the beginning; opposed troop increase; ended military operations in Iraq(on previously negotiated Bush timeline). Made no effort to keep promise to exit in 2009. Troops moved to Afghanistan and Iranian border.Romney says that keeping the U.S. in Iraq is the best option for minimizing casualties and maintaining a democratic government in Iraq.
Position on Iran:Engage in direct diplomacy; tighten economic sanctions with international cooperation; military option not off the table. Failed to deliver on 2008 campaign promise to meet with the Iranian president without preconditions.Military option not off the table.
Position on Global Warming and Environment:Supports a mandatory cap-and-trade system to reduce carbon emissions. Delayed decision on northern leg of Keystone XL pipeline due to environmental concerns.Opposes cap and trade legislation. Supports Keystone XL pipeline. Exporting carbon emissions to China hurts US and planet. (Aug 2007), Humans contribute to world getting warmer. (Nov 2011), $20 billion package for energy research & new car technology
Position on Indefinite detention:Publicly opposed but debate on Congressional floor revealed that his Administration asked for language excluding American citizens be removed.Would have signed NDAA as is.
Position on Military Intervention:Publicly opposed wars and intervention but has recently admitted to expanding Afghan conflict into Pakistan. Says Congressional approval not required if UN gives approval.Consult with lawyers on legality but believes President has the right to do what he believes makes the country safer.
Position on Gay rights:Supports same-sex marriage; pushed Congress to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, allowing gays to serve openly in the militaryOpposes same-sex marriage; supports legal unions; supports Don't Ask, Don't Tell but favors gays serving openly in the military(Govwatch 1994), supported ENDA to ban anti-gay employer discrimination
Position on Abortion:Supports Roe v. Wade; criticized Supreme Court decision that upheld ban on partial-birth abortions.Opposes Roe v. Wade; believes states should be allowed to ban abortions., 1994: Supported abortion rights but personally opposed, No punishment for women who have partial birth abortions, change of heart in 2005 when preparing to run for President
Position on EducationObama called for increased investment in public schools; "Budget reflect choices..."In the past, Romney has discussed making the U.S. Department of Education " A heck of a lot smaller".
Profession:Lawyer, politician, authorBusinessman, politician, author
Place of Birth:Honolulu, HawaiiDetroit, Michigan
Children:Malia Ann (b July 4, 1998) and Natasha (known as Sasha) (b June 10, 2001)Tagg (b. 1970), Matt (b. 1971), Josh (b. 1975), Ben (b. 1978), Craig (b. 1981)
Spouse(s):Michelle ObamaAnn Romney (m. 1969–present)
Religion:Christian (United Church of Christ)Christian (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints a.k.a. Mormon)
Residence:Washington, D.C.Belmont, Massachusetts
Running mate:Joseph "Joe" BidenPaul Ryan
Date of Birth:August 4,1961March 12, 1947
Full name:Barack Hussein ObamaWillard Mitt Romney

Does anybody know?

Often we speak of one's “personal identity” as what makes one the person one is. Your identity in this sense consists roughly of what makes you unique as an individual and different from others. 

- Or it is the way you see or define yourself.

It can also be described as the network of values and convictions that structure your life. 

This individual identity is a property (or set of properties). Presumably it is one you have only contingently, you might have had a different identity from the one you in fact have.

It is also a property that you may have only temporarily. You could swap your current individual identity for a new one, or perhaps even get by without any.

-What is the practical importance of facts about our identity?

-Why should we care about it?

-What matters in identity?

-Why does it matter? 

Imagine that surgeons are going to put your brain into my head and that neither of us has any choice about this. Will the resulting person who will presumably think he is you be responsible for my actions or for yours? (Or both? Or neither?) Suppose he will be in terrible pain after the operation unless one of us pays a large sum in advance. If we were both entirely selfish, which of us would have a reason to pay?

The answer may seem to turn entirely on whether the resulting person would be you or I. Only you can be responsible for your actions. The only one whose future welfare you cannot rationally ignore is yourself. You have a special, selfish interest in your own future and no one else's. Identity itself matters practically. 

But some deny this.