Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Does birth order affect personality?

Birth order is defined as one's rank by age among his/her siblings. It can have a major effect on how a person sees them self and can sometimes have a lasting effect on their personality development. Every child fights for a role within the family, almost as if they have their own little niche to protect at home. Alfred Adler was one of the first psychiatrist to suggest that birth order influences personality. He insisted that birth order provokes a lasting impression on an individual's lifestyle and their ways of dealing with friendship, love, and work.

Of course, with so many unpredictable variables, how could anyone expect predictable character traits? This sets up a large opening for exceptions to the theory, which is why so many researchers have rejected the birth order premise out right. However, it cannot be denied that there is merit in the birth order theory. It is not unusual to find people who fit perfectly in each of the categories listed below. Many can match personalities with the birth order, especially from within their own families. Here are the general classifications in the birth order premise and if conditions are right, you just might see yourself or someone you know.

Only child – This child is always the center of attention and usually prefers it that way. Since they are never "dethroned", they are spoiled and can be self-centered. They miss out on the social skills learned by sibling interaction, so they may find it difficult to share or compromise. A great positive trait is that they can be very mature intellectually.

First Born – They are often given responsibility for younger siblings and may take on the role of a surrogate parent. Through this role they accept their position of leadership and the power that comes with it. Firstborns may become overachievers in order to set the example for younger siblings and meet the expectations of parents. They are also known to be authoritarian (or bossy according to their siblings). A great positive trait is that they can be very responsible and helpful.

Second Born – Independent and competitive, especially with the oldest sibling. Sibling rivalry may be initiated by second born as they struggle to identify their role in the family. Can be seen as a rebel, especially if they do not feel they are getting equal treatment with that of the first born. A great positive trait is that they can be very expressive and creative.

Middle Child – Independent but unlike second born, can be more congenial. They do not have the spotlight but often do not seek it (what’s the use?). They can be resigned in their position in the family even though they feel forgotten. The middle child syndrome can develop, especially in larger families. A great positive trait is that they can adapt and acquire very good social skills.

Last Born – Frequently spoiled by the entire family. Never “dethroned” and may be accustomed to always getting their way. They may be seen as irresponsible and a rule breaker. A great positive trait is that they can be very charming and adventurous


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog :D im the last born and i can completely agree with what you wrote n.n something i still have questions on would be the person who came up with this theory? how did he come up with the thoery? and also about your opinion. what do you think about all this? do you agree? which child are you? do you fit into the category? this are just some questions that werent answered in your blog and i think adding them would make your blog so much better :) you chose a really interesting topic to write about :D

  2. What's Up Doc? Reading this blog was very intersting.and very informative. OYu analysis of how birth order may effect an idivudual's personality was very well conveyed. It made me take a step bac and look at whether or not I have some of these personality traits being the oldest. What do ya know? I do, indefinitely. Your blog was stong over all but what would make it rock solid is if you added some of your own opinion or taken us on a journey of how your birthorder has effected you. Just thought.
